When this night is over,

I will know every inch of your body.

Every curve. Every crevice.

If you cannot trust me outside this house,

then you will not trust me to bring you pleasure.

If you cannot bring yourself to trust me

—completely, unconditionally—

then the terms of our contract cannot be met.

And I will bid you au revoir.

“Female Sexuality, the Gothic, and Romantic Suspense.” —Romance Novels for Feminists

The Lover is the USA Today Bestselling prequel to Gabriel’s Woman, the fair-haired angel, Gabriel.

Two 13-year-old run-away boys were sold into prostitution. Michael, the dark-haired one, for women. Gabriel, the fair-haired one, for men. Now they are 40-year-old men. And they still run from the death and destruction that is their past.


The Lover Excerpt

Sex was an exciting game. A dangerous game.

She played with the stem of her glass. You have been with many women.


First in France, then in England.

Have you brought each one of them to orgasm?

Echoes of passion long gone but never forgotten reverberated inside his head. Each woman made a particular sound when she reached her peak.

Every woman. Michael curved his fingers around his glass, shaping it as he would a feminine breast. Every time.

Sparkling liquid sloshed onto her hand. A dark stain spread over the back of her pale gray silk glove.

I am a virgin.

She was a plain spinster, but surely there had been someone in her life—a childhood friend to experiment with, a boy who was more interested in exploring the mysteries of femininity than in courting the local beauty. A footman, a stable boy, someone.

Why? he barked, Michael now, not Michel who had never slept alone.

Why would any woman give her virginity to a man who looked like him?

Her head snapped back, the chimera of sexual tension broken. I beg your pardon?

He leaned toward her, eyes narrowed, face only inches away from the candle flame that could so easily burn out of control. For ten thousand pounds, any bachelor in this tavern will marry you. The Speaker of the Commons sits three tables away. Baron Stinesburg sits directly behind you. Why are you doing this? With me, of all men?

Candlelight flared. It reflected off of a slender nose, revealed the tightening of pale lips that were neither full nor thin. Perhaps, Monsieur des Anges, I have seen too much death to be cheated by a few scars. Perhaps I wish to see angels.

Praise for The Lover
[The Lover] is dark and sensual. ~Under the Covers

[The Lover] is dark and sensual, and for those of you who like your heroes scarred and tortured, physically and mentally, than you will love Michael, and for those of you who like a curvier, plainer heroine just discovering her sexual power, than Anne is your gal. ~Under the Covers

Creepy, compelling, yet deeply empowering. ~Female Sexuality, the Gothic, and Romantic Suspense: Robin Schone’s The Lover.

What happens when an author bent on celebrating women’s sexuality … pushes against the boundaries not only of romance fiction, but also of the Gothic? You get the creepy, compelling, yet deeply empowering book that served as one of the earliest examples of the erotic romance. ~Female Sexuality, the Gothic, and Romantic Suspense: Robin Schone’s The Lover.

[Robin Schone] relies on the mounting sexuality, akin to 9 1/2 Weeks, to keep the reader wondering. ~RT Book Reviews

Robin Schone knows how to write sizzling erotic love scenes and create suspense. She relies on the mounting sexuality, akin to 9 1/2 Weeks…to keep the reader wondering if it is love or vengeance that drives Michael. Those looking for a hot read will find it in The Lover and they will never look at a banana or chocolate the same way again.” ~RT Book Reviews

Schone has such an elegant writing style that nothing seems tawdry, just very adult-oriented. ~The Romance Reader

Robin Schone has again proved that she will accept no boundaries when detailing sexual scenarios. Very little is taboo, yet Schone has such an elegant writing style that nothing seems tawdry, just very adult-oriented. ~The Romance Reader


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