Photograph by G. Thomas Ward Photography

Who is Robin Schone? . . .

USA Today and Bestselling author Robin Schone writes British Victorian novels about love, the legal consequences of Womens’ sexuality and the occasional dinosaur. She is an NPR “Swoon-Worthy” author, a Happy Mag All-Time Best Erotic novelist and is one of five authors chosen by RUSQ (Reference and User Services of the American Library Association) to represent the wide range of historical fiction in romance. Publisher’s Weekly credits her with writing (probably) the first 53-year-old eunuch who is a romantic hero.

Robin studied Art, Classics and World Religion with a minor in Psychology. She was quite happy working as a Marketing Research Analyst until pesky politics upended the economy and tossed her—along with a Vice-President and three managers, all on the same day—out of a job. Happily, she found a better position delving into the history she adores and characters who daily teach her about life, love and law.